Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Why Do They Call It the Terrible Twos?

Because they last for two years.

Connor has started to become a lot more willful. He's started to fight us when we try to make him do things that he doesn't like to do, such as sit in a high chair or share a toy. He's started throwing tantrums, which are not fun at all. It's one of those things that I really, really don't like and frustrate me, but I also know that he's still a lot of fun for the most part. I just don't look forward to these next two years, which is how long it lasted for Kinsey.


Forrest Blogs said...

2 years? You mean our son could do this for the next 2 years? Oh no...

Phil said...

It was two years with Kinsey, so I guess it could be different with each child. Just ride it out.

Anonymous said...

"He's started to fight us when we try to make him do things that he doesn't like to do"

Then I guess I should call this stage of my life the terrible 30s.

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