Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Standing and a Story

Connor is standing. It's not very much and it's not very long, but he is pushing off of whatever he's using to support himself and stand up. It's been so cool to watch all of this again and to see how different he is from Kinsey, just in his bravery about where he will climb and crawl. He's so much fun and this time for him is just one of the best times of life for a baby.


And now for something completely different...

Over the last month or so, I've been developing a story for Kinsey. One night she asked me to tell a story to her, with her as a princess in it, so I did. And about every other night, we'll continue the story, and we've been doing it for over a month. I've written down about the first quarter and I'm not going to produce it all right now, but I'll serialize it over the next little while for you if you want to read it.

Now, realize I made most of this up as I was saying it. And it's a story for a five year old, so you will find some very derivative things in it, but I have had fun doing it and it's been interesting enough for Kinsey that she's wanted me to continue it. And it's in purple because that's one of her favorite colors.

Once upon a time, there was a princess named Kinsey. She was a beautiful princess who lived in a wonderful land with her mother the Queen and her father the King and her brother Prince Connor. She was someone who loved going out and wandering around the countryside looking at the lovely flowers and strolling through the woods.

One day while she was walking through the woods, she had wandered further than she had ever been before. It was a dark part of the woods, and she was starting to turn back when she heard a deep growl behind her. She looked over her shoulder and saw a large wolf right behind her. He was growling and snarling and starting to run toward her. Kinsey screamed and started to run faster, but her skirts were keeping her legs from moving as quickly as she wanted them too. She broke out of the woods and started running closer and closer the castle with the wolf getting closer. Just as she was within site of the castle, the wolf caught her skirt and dragged her down. She screamed so loudly that the guards at the castle gate started running toward her. As they got there, the wolf bit into her arm. Instantly, the princess fell into a deep sleep and the wolf started to drag her back towards the woods. They struck at him with their spears and he let go of her arm, running back into the forest.


Phil said...

Alice, thanks. ;-)

JT, it depends on the skirt, I suppose.

Malia said...

Um, I'd keep your day job. ;)

I started telling Sweetpea a made-up story about Princess Ladybug years ago. She's almost stopped asking to hear it but every now and then she will ask for a Princess Ladybug story. I really need to write them down and give them to her later on. I liked using Princess Ladybug to "talk" about things going on in our lives that she may have had trouble understanding when she was younger. Though, at the moment I can't remember what those were! Her all time favorite variation on the story was "Princess Ladybug Goes to a Nashville Sounds Game with Her Friends".

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