Thursday, February 22, 2007

Happiest Birthday Addendum

Sheryl told me this story today. When she took Kinsey into her class at school today, Kinsey stopped her at the door and called out to her class, "Hey! Remember! Remember!" while pointing to Sheryl. And then the entire class of 5 and 6 year olds started singing "Happy Birthday" to her. And while I'm pretty sure they didn't pay royalties on it, I can imagine that any gift I give Sheryl today will pale in comparison.


mundiejc said...

Mildred and Patti Hill might have something to say about that.

As well as Dan Rydell and Marty Scheinbaum

Jennifer Thompson said...

Oh my word, that is the BEST! Way to go Kinsey!

Tony Arnold said...

That was awesome.

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