Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Christmas Cards

Christmas cards have come a long way. With the advent of picture cards, it's no longer necessary to find the little foldable cards and put them into an envelope. You can just stick the card in and a Christmas letter. And now, with digital photography, you can upload the picture(s) you want at 11PM Saturday and literally pick them up at noon on Sunday. It's a wonderful world.

I've always had a thought about Christmas cards. My least favorite ones are the ones of kids only.

Now, understand what I'm not saying. I'm not saying that I don't like kids or that I don't like pictures of kids. But these pictures stay up on our refrigerator all year, and honestly six months from now I'm not going to remember that this one cute face belongs to this family or that these three belong to this one.

As a result in our household, I've issued a moratorium on kids-only picture cards. And then, our kids took the cutest picture ever with Santa. Kinsey had a great smile. Connor was asleep in his arms. It was just beautiful and I was afraid I was going to have to break my rule. Then my intrepid wife found a great option: Double picture cards.

So here is the Christmas card that went out yesterday. Enjoy.

Addendum: I feel I need to clarify what I might have stated without the proper amount of tact and explanation above. I'll use the excuse that it was late....

For me, pictures are about context. Saying that I want families doesn't mean I don't like the pictures of kids only and I want to be off of people's card lists. 1) Sheryl would hate that. 2) I like seeing the kids. My preference is simply to see the entire family.


fabricsnob said...

yea Sheryl!!!
YEA Wilson family!!!

Anonymous said...

I used Shutterfly 'cause they have several options for collage style cards. There's one pic of the four of us, one of the kids together and one each of them alone. Unfortunately, ordering from Shutterfly means having them shipped out so...our Christmas cards won't go out until after Christmas 'cause I didn't get them ordered in time! Oh well!

I like your card and those pictures are great :-D

Anonymous said...

--Marking Phil off my Christmas card list.

Tony Arnold said...

Phil, sorry for sending you a kid's only picture. Anita and I just don't think we add anything to the photo, we detract from it.

I'll have Anita remove you from the list.

BTW, does the kid's only pictures moratorium apply to your blog too. :-)

Phil said...

Of course not, Tony, because there's immediate context to it. Pictures for me are all about the context.

Now, this doesn't mean I want to be off of people's card lists. 1) Sheryl would hate that. 2) I like seeing the kids. My preference is simply to see the entire family.

Anonymous said...

Yes. I would be very ticked off to not receive cards from people because of my loving, adorable husband's comment/opinion. Send them on. I love them and never forget who everyone is.


Tony Arnold said...

I was just taking a good opportunity to bug you Phil. Didn't mean to get you in trouble with anonymous. Even though you did deserve it. :-)

Don't worry Sheryl, I would never punish you for the sins of your husband. Thank goodness no one does that to Anita or she would be very mistreated.


Elizabeth said...

Okay, Phil...if you want the whole family, I'll hire you to take our family picture next year. If you can get one of all of us looking and actually smiling at the camera, I'll use it! Until then, a "kids only" will have to do.

I love your card...so cute!!

Clarissa said...

Poor Connor! Put the kid to bed already, or give him a pillow or something!
We got NINE pics on our Shutterfly card. Haven't figured out how to put it on my blog, maybe Rob can. Not one is of all of us. We tried, and like Elizabeth says, getting one with everyone happy is terribly difficult.

Anonymous said...

Kids only. Phil, the only "context" of you or I being in a picture would be the context of rugged good looks combined with greek god-like physiques.

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