Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Jack Bauer Power Hour vs. Heroes

I watched 24 in the first season. I'm a fan of high concepts and Sheryl and I thought we'd give it a shot. We really enjoyed the whole thing as was pretty shocked when his "amnesia"-prone wife was killed. I found the whole subplot with his daughter a bit weird since she seemed to have a knack for getting into ridiculous trouble, or rather that the writers couldn't put her in jeopardy without it seeming ridiculous.

We didn't watch the second season or any subsequent ones, but I've got a lot of friends who really like it, so on Sunday and Monday, I thought I'd give it a shot. And it was good. It's violent in some disturbing ways, but I've been impressed in how seriously the show treats violence. I knew this was a dangerous mine to walk into, because starting next Monday, 24 and Heroes are going head to head. It's going to be very interesting because I think there's a lot of overlap between the two audiences. People who like Heroes probably like 24 too. And I'll be interested in how the ratings play out. Will Heroes keep it's almost 15 million person audience? Will 24 siphon it away? Did God create TiVo specifically for Monday nights in the winter of 2007?

The other difference between the two is the almost unrelenting darkness of 24, similar to Battlestar Galactica. It's always go, go, go, on 24 and trying to stop the next big crisis. Heroes at least has moments of levity here and there, with Hiro and some of the lighter characters.

I guess what's nice is that there are two great, addictive shows on, in addition to the addictive dreck of American Idle... er, Idol.


Anonymous said...

God bless the dual-tuner DVR.

Jeff said...

Ok. That's it. I'm going out to get a Tivo. I didn't realize Heroes would compete with 24, so I'm really going to be struggling to open up my limited tv watching time. We still haven't made it through the first four hours of 24 that came on Sunday and Monday, so it will be a struggle to get through just Monday night. But here's my question to Phil's blogosphere. Should I do the Tivo, or just get a DVR?

By the way Phil, thanks for taping that SciFi Heroes marathon for me. I watched it while I was laid up in bed this weekend. I hadn't seen the more gruesome of Claire's injuries. Pretty cool stuff.

Elizabeth S said...

In our house, we think Tivo is the best thing EVER! Although we watch way more shows that we would if we didn't have it, it allows us to tape the shows and watch them after the kids are in bed. That way it doesn't take away from family time. Plus you don't have to watch commercials.

Elizabeth S said...

Me again. We do have a DVR, and I am not really sure what the difference is because we have never had Tivo. We have directv and the dvr service is through them.

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