Monday, February 12, 2007

Sitting on the Floor

For the first time in a while, I got to sit in the congregation at church yesterday. I try to schedule myself out of the tech booth every once in a while, just so I can get out of there. It's exceedingly hard to worship when trying to keep track of the things I need to to make sure the service goes smoothly.

It's weird because I'm typically doing so much on a Sunday morning that to just sit in the congregation without worrying about sound levels and MediaShout and watching Brandon to make sure he's happy was strange. I kept wanting to check something out and make sure something was working properly. Thankfully, everything went very smoothly (unlike the week before which was one of my nightmare scenarios) and Sheryl and I were able to get the kids out of church at a reasonable time and get home. It was a good day. Last night, though... well, more on that tomorrow.


Malia said...

Last night? Oh come on, don't leave us hanging like that!

murphytwin said...

Are you the Phil Wilson with the podcast? If so, keep it up. Good stuff.

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