We read to know we are not alone. We write to let others know they are not alone.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Caption This Picture
As a Red Sox fan, I'm legally and morally obligated to take advantage of the A-Rod steroid scandal (conveniently ignoring the fact that A-Rod almost came to the Sox in 04).
So, caption this picture and be funny, but when you do, please don't use humor enhancers.
I am a pragmatic idealist trying to figure out what it means to be a disciple of Jesus and what it means to live in the Kingdom of God.
I'm married to Sheryl and the daddy of Kinsey and Connor.
"Wait, so it's possible to be a great player and not on the juice? Canseco lied to me about so many things...."
caption this picture fail
Maybe you should try "picture this caption" - that might be fun.
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